How to create an Invitation Codes account?

How to create an Invitation Codes account?

Applies to both website and mobile.
Ready to set up your account and earn coins? Just follow these steps.
  • [Step 1] Click the “Sign up” button on the upper right side of the website.
  • [Step 2] Sign up using your Google account.
  • [Step 3] Check “I agree to the terms and conditions”. You can also check the “I want to get the full experience and be included in marketing activities and extended support” (Optional).
  • [Step 4] Select your brands as many as you want or you can skip.
  • [Step 5] You can also add Invitation Codes to your Chrome (Optional)
  • [Step 6] You can follow members or you can skip.
  • [Step 7] You now have an Invitation Code account.
Make your first post or view your profile so you can edit it (upload a new avatar, say something about yourself, etc..)
Note: You can only add/change your username once!